
Monday, March 23, 2009

What's the point of being a benchmark country ...

... when all your efforts, everything you do to earn the 'benchmark' epigraph, sizzle out because ... euh ... no-one's interested?

Take the UK.

Considered something of a forerunner in the area of e-government. Policies defined in a hefty document describing the e-Government strategy. Country of great initiatives like Show-us-a-better-way etcetera. A recent article on dryly notes that just half of the UK population has used Internet in the last year to access information about government or local council services ... or to complete a government form ... or to process online ....

So much for the UK e-Government take-up. Unless you are motivated to participate, unless you feel strongly about something, thén you start moving. Otherwise you couldn't care less.

Now thàt is something no e-Government strategy will ever be able to fix ... talk about a challenge!

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