
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Who'd have hunched it was Belgium?

As a starter: I'm not convinced., the new toy created by Caterina Fake (Flick'r) basically claims to personalize the internet by asking its users a bunch of questions, thus creating profiles and link these to services, products, destinations, ... based on gathered profile data. I don't see why I would bother leaving my very personal information on likes and dislikes out there in Cyberspace but hey, maybe that's a generational thing.

What also does (and my guess is that's where the money is) is data-mine this pile of data. They keep a blog in which they come up with fancy new demographics. On the subject of travelling:
- women prefer to travel to Europe: in particular to 'civilised countries like Belgium, Ireland or Greece
- when Americans in general travel they again think Belgium and the UK are the countries to visit
- Europeans on the other hand seem to think Finland is the country to visit claims that their registered users have already answered more than 50 million questions and are registering at a rate of 3000 a day. It would be interesting to know where they come from.

One example of user feedback: 'whoooaaa! (...) It's so accurate! 80% of the stuff (in this case: recommendations linked to his profile) I already have/use.

My point exactly. Where's the added value? Why bother?

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