Ever heard of Henrik Fisker? Used to be head of design at Aston Martin and responsible for such beauties as the
DB9. What happens when such a guy decides to start his own car company? And does it in an era in which most of the majors are in deep trouble or going down the drain?
He builds a Fisker and calls it Karma.
And to be more precise, he goes and challenges Nissan, GM and, above all Tesla (if the look of the Fisker is anything to go buy) by building an electrified car.
Wired compares Henrik to Tucker, Delorean or Ford: visionary car builders, not all succesful, alas. Henrik is starting out differently. Lean and mean. Designing a car in 2 months instead of 12. Using suppliers to create, build and test parts instead of producing everything in house. A green car in a new economic environment. And already 1600 waiting customers.
Let's not talk about the pricetag, OK? Let's not spoil it. And don't you just love those Titanic hands in the picture?