
Monday, August 6, 2012

That's what the Internet in Belgium looks like ...

... according to Ruslan Enikeev, who used an association algorithm and a Google maps front end to create an interactive website that allows visitors to indicate which country they want to see the map of.

Fastcompany looks at a logical global picture, with dominance of the big players like Google and Facebook and colour coding for the countries the websites are located in.

The interesting stuff begins when you start to localize and ask for the Internet Map of Belgium. Chinese websites (yellow) seem to be pretty dominant over here. Bing is almost as big as MSN. Chinese portal Baidu is as important as Ebay and Paypal are very much alike and can compare to Spanish, Italian or Canadian Googles, ...

In other words: making a global snapshot based on 350.000 websites and 2 mio links from 196 countries, is one thing, a local breakdown something completely different.

B.t.w: Internet maps are so Oldskool. I used to buy them in an era when having an Internet map still made sense :-)

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