
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

when brand companies become media companies ...

Steve Outing maakt een fijne analyse van de voor traditionele media bedreigende trend waarbij brand companies denken die media niet meer nodig te hebben om audiences mee te bereiken: ze doen het gewoon zelf. Nike is ook hier alweer het voorbeeld: een quote van Stefan Olander zegt "We want to find a way to enhance the experience and services, rather than looking for a way to interrupt people from getting to where they want to go. How can we provide a service that the consumer goes, 'Wow, you really made this easier for me'?".

Outing concludeert 'I think that's a huge statement, one that more marketers will come to embrace in the years ahead. Especially with the web and digital media, users typically are seeking out something when they use the Internet. Advertising is an interruption, and if the interruption is too annoying then people will take action to remove it -- such as using pop-up ad blockers, which are now common.'

want: A global study by Nielsen Research released this month, based on research of more than 26,000 online users, showed that Internet advertising is near the bottom of the list in terms of how much it's trusted by consumers. Print newspaper ads did quite well, coming in second place with 63% of people saying they trust them. TV commercials and magazine ads placed a few percentage points behend. Search ads were trusted by 34% of consumers, and banner ads (still the stalwart at most newspaper sites) were trusted by just 26% of respondents.

En wat stonbd er op nummer 1? Word of Mouth.

Dit alles is voor traditionele (print)media allesbehalve goed nieuws. Steve heeft dan ook een goeie raad voor ons:

Newspaper companies can help companies (their advertisers) create media properties or features. They can help other companies become, in part, media companies, by providing their customers with media-like applications and services.

This may require some creativity on your part, because many companies have not yet caught on to this new form of marketing. Imagine that you are in the shoes of a company executive. What online services could you offer that customers would appreciate and come to you for? Figure that out and build it for the company.

Helaas is het vandaag nog steeds moeilijk een adverteerder iets eenvoudigs aan te praten, laat staan dat wij, uitgevers, ook nog eens media-like applicaties en diensten zouden kunnen gaan bouwen ... ja, als ze niks kosten.

Still a long way to go, Steve.

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