
Friday, June 11, 2010

Fed up and worried sick ...

... about these upcoming elections. Will we wake up in a totally different country altogether on Monday morning? Do all these people who will vote for NVA and Bart De Wever really want an independent Flanders or do they just want to make clear some things urgently need to change and change is not going to come from the traditional parties? What will happen to our economy if it takes months again before we have a new government? Do the French speaking politicians really only care about language issues instead of the economic crisis, the need for budgetary cuts and a very stringent policy the coming years? How is it possible that a major PS politician claims she has never ever even spoken to Bart De Wever? Will he really become Prime Minister? How can a Flemish rightist nationalist become Prime Minister of the whole country? Why are the words "Flemish" and "rightist" synonyms? Doesn't the fact that 75% of Flemish voters will not vote NVA count for nothing? How long would a government De Wever 1 last? Why won't these questions in my head stop?

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